Who We Are

Trainer & dog
Dog trainer certificate

“Elio helped me understand how to manage my German Shepherd. As he is my first dog, I was really struggling with separation anxiety & reactivity. Thanks to Elio’s exercises & suggestions I can enjoy a healthy relationship with my obedient dog! I am a happy dog mum :).”

- Silvia A.

Elio Ferrari has been building his skills & knowledge as a dog trainer since a few years already. In 2022, Elio received his official dog trainers certificate.

The spark to all this was a small, pushy, intense & absolutely wonderful female working line German Shepherd named Trinity. There are no words to describe how much she deserves this school being named after her!

Before getting Trinity, Elio spent his entire days (and sometimes nights) trying to scour books & the internet for as much knowledge as possible. He knew that getting a working dog was going to be no easy task, let alone one that he was planned on competing in dog sports (IGP) with. Not only was Trinity going to be a full-on working dog, but she was to become a fully balanced “everywhere” dog as well. Elio’s vision was to have a highly driven, powerful & precise dog on the field. Simultaneously, the goal was also to have a (relatively) calm, neutral and well socialised dog that could join him on all his other adventures in everyday life. The ultimate challenge… It is safe to say: mission accomplished!

Trinity & Elio are currently well on their path to their first titles in dog sports - BH, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3. Stay tuned for the results on those!

Aside from all the amazing knowledge Elio was able to gather from other schools & experts (listed below), Trinity was the one who taught him the most. She very often was an absolute pleasure to work with. She could also be a bang-your-head-against-the-wall challenge. Trinity most importantly taught him patience, humility, collaboration & persistence. She also offered him the most beautiful friendship he has ever experienced, and put him on the path of his dream job.


Education, Experience & Inspiration * (in alphabetical oder):

  • Haz Othmann: No Nonsense Dog Training
  • Hundezentrum Ammann, CH: Official Dog Trainer Certificate, Mandatory Young Dog Course
  • Hundefachzenturm, CH: Resocialization of Problematic Dogs
  • Ivan Balabanov & Karen Duet: Advanced Schutzhund
  • Pup Affair, CH: Dog Training Internship, Daycare, Private Lessons, Social Walks, Pack Walks, Mandatory Puppy Courses, Mandatory Young Dog Courses, Competition Obedience Groups
  • SCOG Zürichsee, CH: IGP Protection
  • Shield K9, CA: Elite Off Leash Obedience, Elite Puppy Foundations, Elite Protection Foundations, Reactive Rehab, Power Obedience 1,2 &3
  • Susan Barwig & Stewart Hilliard: Schutzhund Theory and Training Methods
  • Training Without Conflict, USA: Chase & Catch 2.0, Possession Games, Treat Chasing 2.0, Ivan’s Guide to Raising Great Puppies, Intro to Leash Walking for Puppies, Competition Heeling 1 & 2, Bite on Command, Teaching the Reviere 1 & 2, Circle Tracking Foundation, Call Out of the Blind, Article Indication, Reliable Tracking

Honourable Mentions:

STSK9, Upstate Canine Academy, Michael Ellis, Robert Cabral, Larry Krohn, Nate Schoemer, Jared Wolf
*We do not necessarily use/agree with any/all of the methods & ideologies.
Trinity K9
dog sitting in front of trainer making eye contact
trainer hugging german shepherd dog
dog sitting on trainer's lap

Elio Ferrari

(Back Story)

Elio’s story with dogs started from the moment he was born. His “second mother” was the sweetest & most gorgeous German Shepherd Dog. From the moment he entered this world, she never left his side. Regardless of how much he annoyed her (not recommended :-) ) or how many mistakes he made with her, she was always watching over him with her calm, confident & motherly demeanour. Little did he know she was already teaching him so much about what he applies today.

Elio was surrounded by one or more family dogs throughout his entire life. When he was 6 years old, Nusty came in the picture. A cute & feisty apricot miniature Poodle. A moment he will never forget is how the family chose Nusty. Or rather Nusty chose Elio - when visiting the breeder, the entire litter was jumping and screaming at the door of their kennel in excitement to see the new people who had just walked in. Except for one. You guessed it, Nusty was at the back of the kennel calmly and curiously looking at what was going on. Elio requested to see that puppy & sat down on the ground cross-legged to greet him. Nusty immediately took the opportunity to go lay down on Elio’s legs & repeated that exact process every time Elio went to sit somewhere else. The decision was made. Nusty had chosen Elio.

As a kid Elio spent his summers forging a bond with an amazing female Labrador. Even though Elio was only about 10-12 years old, they created a relationship strong enough to be picked up every summer as if they had spent all year together. Clea was spending her days bored in her owner’s architecture office. She always seemed sad & under stimulated to Elio. One day he asked the owner if he could play with her, which quickly turned into long walks & swims around the village. Without using any specific training, Clea followed Elio off leash everywhere they went, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. Those pure memories are forever cherished.

Jump forward about a decade & Filou, the next miniature poodle joined the family, but this time with a chocolate coat. It happened to be a very similar decision making process. All the puppies were jumping at the family except for one, who was independently exploring every corner of the kennel and paying absolutely no attention to the humans present. Filou stood out of the lot and ended up being the lucky pick. As soon as first contact was made, they were inseparable.

Another decade later, we get to the star of the show and face of Trinity K9. You guessed it again - Trinity! Trinity is a highly social, confident and extremely driven working line German Shepherd. As the breeder was in a different country, it was difficult for Elio to go pick his puppy with the breeder. By the time he showed up, all puppies had already been reserved. However, as fate wanted it, the forces at hand had already made sure that Trinity & Elio could be united. Breeders will usually put different colored collars on their puppies in order to tell them apart. At the time, Elio had a strong emotional connection with the color purple. You probably already know where this is going… Yes! Trinity was the last puppy left &…. she was wearing a purple collar!

It was clear from that moment on that the dogs chose Elio and not the other way around. Seemingly for a good reason!

german shepherd dog sniffing poodle's bone
child sleeping with dog